Star Wars App for iPhone Gets Long-Awaited Major Update

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Finally! It’s here. The update we’ve all been waiting for. If you’ve used the Official Star Wars App as long as I have, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


That’s right. Until now, the iOS version of the official Star Wars app by Disney did not support larger screens like the iPhone X or XS Max.

When I slid over to my widgets screen, there was a new, nice, updated font. I asked myself, “Could it be?!” Hesitantly, I tapped on the icon, not wanting to get my hopes up too much. But it was true! The Force is really with this version.

If you don’t use the Star Wars app yet, I highly recommend it. It’s really fun and actually very helpful too. It has Star Wars trivia and news, as well as the weather built right in.

You can choose to be Droids, Light Side, or Dark Side. I’ve pretty much always chosen Droids. They have a special place in my robot heart.

If you don’t have it yet, be sure to check it out in the App Store. It’s a free download and super awesome.

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Neal Tucker is one of the world’s most engaging Disney influencers, with thousands of views and responses across his blog, podcast, and social media profiles every month.

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