Grand Opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

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Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Entrance
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Entrance (Source: Blog Mickey)

At long last, it’s here. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge had its grand opening today at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. The world has been waiting to see the gates finally open. Now, we have the chance to step into a galaxy far, far away for ourselves. We can experience what it’s like to be a character in the Star Wars universe.

If you were one of the lucky ones to get access on this, the very first day of entry to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, I can only say this: I’m incredibly jealous. To the rest of you, like me, who are stuck at home watching the festivities unfold from the comfort of your Twitter-boxes, I have something else. Here’s an epic round-up of the coolest reactions to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge on the first day.

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Reactions

Let’s get started with a grand opening post from fans, then a tweet from the official Disneyland and Disneyland Today Twitter accounts. A major welcome to this incredible new park, followed by the Business as Usual park hours.

Next, who else besides Luke Skywalker himself? He and some other OG gang members got to see the park a little early (as it should be), and he posted a very sweet message about the occasion and the memory of Carrie Fisher.

You might also be wondering what some regular folks like you and me thought of the opening day celebration. Take a look at some of the amazing reaction photos and videos from this galactic opening day.

Want to know what some of the food looks like? Well, feast thine eyes on this delicious-looking smorgasbord!

Everything in the parks is themed perfectly for the Star Wars universe. And I do mean EVERYTHING. Even the gift cards are appropriate for a galaxy far, far away!

No collection of Galaxy’s Edge tweets would be complete without a post from the Star Wars account itself. Here is their opening day missive to fans all over the world.

Pretty amazing stuff. Have you been the new park yet? If you’re lucky enough to be one of the first visitors to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, please let me know what your experience was like in the comments! I know they made opening day special for all the guests, and I can’t wait to experience it for myself later this year (when my Annual Pass allows for it…).

Have a magical day!

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Neal Tucker is one of the world’s most engaging Disney influencers, with thousands of views and responses across his blog, podcast, and social media profiles every month.

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