Were Doritos Invented at Disneyland? Here’s the Surprising Answer!

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Have you ever wondered where Doritos came from? Here’s the surprising history about where the popular chips come from and their history with the Mouse House. So, let’s ask the question: Were Doritos invented at Disneyland? Scroll down to find out the fun history of one of the world’s most popular chips!

Were Doritos Invented at Disneyland? Here's the Surprising Answer! [Source: Spacemountainmike, via Creative Commons]
Were Doritos Invented at Disneyland? Here’s the Surprising Answer! [Source: Spacemountainmike, via Creative Commons]

Were Doritos Invented at Disneyland?

People all over the place love their Doritos chips. I mean really love them. As in, they can’t live without them.

I mean, the name Doritos does mean “little pieces of gold”, so it makes sense! 😉

For me, I’m a big Cool Ranch Doritos guy myself, but I also enjoy the classic Doritos in the red bag that we’ve all come to know and love.

Some people want to know more, though. They want to dig deeper into the bag and get the last chip and a little history with it.

The History of Doritos and Disneyland

Curious about how it all went down?

Here’s the story, the history of how Doritos came to be…

Were Doritos invented at Disneyland? Yes! Just one month after Disneyland opened in 1955, a restaurant in Frontierland, called Casa de Fritos, actually invented Doritos! The restaurant is currently named Rancho del Zocalo Restaurante, in case you’re looking for it at the park, and…

It’s the very first place I ever at inside Disneyland! True story!

Here’s what they did:

By repurposing some of the unused tortillas at the end of the day, they were able to create and invent the chips that everyone now knows as Doritos. At first, they were a bit of a secret, but eventually, the Frito-Lay company bagged ’em up and shipped ’em out way back in 1966!

The rest, as they say, is history…

Wrap Up

So, there you have it! That’s the whole story of how Doritos were invented at Disneyland.

If you want to read more of the details, I recommend this article.

Let me know what you think in the comments or on social media!

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