3 Disney Princess Rap Battles You Have to HEAR to Believe (Elsa!)

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Disney princesses are usually known for being the heroes of their story, characters that are kind and gracious and self-empowered. But what if they weren’t always quite so nice? What if Disney princesses decided to…have a rap battle?! Watch the videos below to see and hear the Disney Princess Rap Battle (or 2 or 3…) you’ve been waiting for!

NOTE: These videos contain explicit language not intended for young audiences. 
3 Disney Princess Rap Battles You Have to HEAR to Believe (Elsa!)
3 Disney Princess Raps You Have to HEAR to Believe (Elsa!)

Disney Princess Rap Battle: Snow White vs Elsa

There are some seriously star-studded lineups for these rap battle videos. Just take a look at the cast lists before each one of the rap battles to get a sense of what I mean.

And if you’re a child of the late 90’s or early 2000’s, you’re in for some real treats!

Here’s the cast lineup for this epic video:

Elsa: Katja Glieson http://youtube.com/katjaglieson

Snow White: Whitney Avalon http://whitneyavalon.com

Cinderella: Alice Prime https://www.instagram.com/aliceprime/

Aurora: Briana White http://www.briana-white.com/

Merida: Caroline Gayle

Tiana: Shawana Carter

Disney Princess Rap Battle: Cinderella vs Belle

Here is the full cast list for this rap battle:

Cinderella: Sarah Michelle Gellar http://instagram.com/sarahmgellar/

Belle: Whitney Avalon http://whitneyavalon.com

Goldilocks: Emily Goss http://twitter.com/emilygoss650

Buttercup: Ali Williams http://twitter.com/onlyalicat

Little Red: Courtney Merritt http://twitter.com/otruenyc

Pocahontas: Nikki Mejia http://www.nikkimejia.com/

Gaston: Michael Harris http://twitter.com/harris_actor888

Disney Princess Rap Battle: Rapunzel vs Anna

Here’s the cast for this one:

Rapunzel: Eliza Dushku http://twitter.com/elizadushku

Anna: Whitney Avalon http://www.imdb.me/whitneyavalon

Kristoff: James Maslow http://facebook.com/jamesmaslow

Flynn: Tom Lenk http://instagram.com/tommylenk

Santa: Jim O’Heir http://twitter.com/jimoheir 

BONUS VIDEOS! Disney Princess Dance Battles

Yes, you read that right!

Disney princesses don’t just rap…

They also dance battle!

Get ready to watch some of the sickest Disney Princess dance moves of all time in the two epic videos below.

Wrap Up

What did you think? Do you have a favorite Disney Princess rap or Disney Princess dance battle?

What Disney Princess do you want to see in the next rap or dance battle videos?

Let me know in the comments section below or on social media at Twitter!

Have a magical day!

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