
7 Comic Book Characters Chris Evans Played That Aren’t Captain America

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Chris Evans is almost certainly most well known for his portrayal of Captain America in the Marvel Avengers movies. But, did you know that he has also played SEVEN other comic book characters that aren’t Captain America? If you’re surprised, you’re not alone. Check out this list of 7 comic book characters Chris Evans played that aren’t Captain America.

1. The Human Torch (Fantastic Four)

Can you remember all the way back to the mid-2000’s?

Well, way back in that bygone era, Chris Evans played the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four movies, which included Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer.

How far he’s come… Just look at that baby face!

2. Casey Jones (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

You may not have seen his face…

But, Chris Evans was totally in the Ninja Turtles animated movies as the infamous Casey Jones.

He’s both an accomplished actor and a great voiceover performer!

Watch the video above to hear (and see) a glimpse of this classic cartoon character in action.

3. Nick Grant (Push comics series)

This is a lesser-known release.

Apparently, though, the character that Evans played here has some sort of telekinetic powers.

Works for me!

4. Jake Jenson (The Losers)

I think I’m just gonna let the GIF above do all the talking for me on this comic to film adaptation work, featuring Chris Evans.

Plus, I really don’t want to start none

5. Lucas Lee (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)

Chris Evans really likes finger guns, apparently!

Also, cult favorite much? Everybody seems to love this movie, and with good reason.

It’s got a stellar cast, tells a great story, and features some comic book fun all along the way, including, of course, Evans as Lucas Lee.

6. Curtis Everett (Snowpiercer)

OK, sometimes his characters use real guns too…

Such as Curtis Everett, whom Chris Evans portrayed in the movie version of the Snowpiercer comic books series.

Note: In the original French, this title is called Le Transperceneige.

7. Loki (Marvel’s Avengers)

Before you say anything… This one counts!

Remember when Loki transformed into other characters in the Avengers movies?

Well, Chris Evans obviously played Loki’s version of Captain America. Check out the video above to see the…transformation.

Even though he’s not credited, the cameo is more than worth this list’s attention.

8. Captain America (Marvel’s Avengers)

Alright, this is the one you know and love, but you just can’t do a Chris Evans superhero / comic books character list without Cap!

BTW, if you play Fortnite, you should check out the playable Captain America they added… Spoiler alert: IT’S AWESOME.

So, be honest: how many of these did you know offhand?

Yes, Chris Evans Marvel characters are his most well-known and famous. But he’s done a ton of work in other universes as well.

Take a look at all of Chris Evans’ comic book screen work in this video put together by the folks over at Screenrant.

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