When Will Eternals Be on Disney Plus? Here’s the Answer.

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe grows with each new addition, which means that Disney Plus grows along with it. As a result, MCU fans (like me!) are clamoring to know when the Eternals movie will actually be on the Disney+ streaming platform. In other words, “When will Eternals be on Disney Plus?” Or, another important question, “When will Eternals be on Disney Plus to watch for FREE?” Here’s the answer!

When Will Eternals Be on Disney Plus? Here's the Answer.
When Will Eternals Be on Disney Plus? Here’s the Answer. [Source: Disney/Marvel Press Kit]

Will Eternals Be on Disney Plus?

Whether or not you’ve already seen the new Eternals movie yet…

You’re still probably wondering whether Eternals will end up on Disney Plus for streaming at home.

After all, we’ve gotten Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and all the Avengers movies.

So why not Eternals, too?

Here’s the thing:

As far as we know, all new Disney movies and shows (including Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, etc.) will end up on Disney+ at some point.

Will Eternals be on Disney Plus? Yes, as far as we know, all new Marvel movies will get an official streaming release on Disney+ for subscribers to stream at home or on the go.

In other words, you will be able to stream Eternals on Disney Plus.

The question is, When will Eternals be on Disney Plus?

When Will Eternals Be on Disney Plus?

Alright, now that we know Eternals will be on Disney Plus, just like every Disney movie coming out these days…

It’s time to ask (and, more importantly, answer!) the big question of the day.

When will Eternals be on Disney Plus?

This is actually a tricky question, because Disney and Marvel have not yet announced the exact date that the Eternals film will stream for free* on Disney Plus. (Free* meaning included with subscription, of course.)

Disney’s Marvel movies typically have a 45-day window where they only show in movie theaters.

This would put Eternals streaming release date on Monday, December 20, 2021.

That being said…

There was actually a 70-day window from the time Shang-Chi released in movie theaters and when it started streaming on Disney+.

That would put the Eternals streaming release date at Friday, January 14, 2022.

When you add all that up, you get a date sometime between December 20, 2021, and January 14, 2022.


When will Eternals be on Disney Plus? January 12, 2022. The Eternals movie will be available to stream on Disney+ on January 12, 2022.

So, folks, there’s all the deets we currently have on the Disney+ streaming release for Eternals in the United States (USA).

When an official streaming release date for Eternals on Disney Plus, we will be sure to let you know right here on DIFD!

Have a marvelous day!

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How Many After Credits Scenes in Eternals? Here’s the Answer.

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