Disney+ offers so many wonderful animated movies, shows, and more. From the OG Mickey Mouse shorts in black & white to the big blockbuster hits of today like Soul. But there are also many movies, documentaries, and TV shows that you might not be so sure about… Like Trolls! So, you might be asking yourself, “Is Trolls on Disney Plus?” Read on for the answer!
![Is Trolls on Disney Plus? Here's the Answer! [Source: NBCUniversal/DreamWorks]](https://www.disfordisney.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/trolls-world-tour-1--1024x683.jpg)
Is Trolls on Disney Plus?
One question that comes up A WHOLE LOT on social media and the web is about films that Disney didn’t make, such as the X-Men movies, or the animated family favorite Croods.
![Trolls Is Not on Disney Plus [Source: NBCUniversal/DreamWorks]](https://www.disfordisney.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/trolls-pic-1024x576.jpg)
For X-Men, even though Disney didn’t make those movies, they did acquire them in their purchase of 21st Century Fox.
With the Croods franchise, Disney didn’t make it, and they’ve also not bought it. That’s why those movies are not on the Disney+ streaming platform.
But, what about other widely loved animated movies…like Trolls and the Trolls sequels?
“Is Trolls on Disney Plus?” No, Trolls is not on Disney Plus, because it is owned by NBCUniversal (who owns DreamWorks). At present, there are no public plans for The Walt Disney Company (TWDC) to acquire Trolls or other Universal/Comcast © copyright properties. This means that Trolls will likely not be on the Disney+ streaming platform or any other Disney outlets or channels in the future either.
The same is true for all the sequels of Trolls, including Trolls World Tour or the Trolls Holiday Special.
Get your own copy of the full Trolls movie collection right here!
Trolls Is Not on Disney Plus
Since Trolls is owned by NBCUniversal, they have the intellectual property rights to sell and display that movie however they want to.
![Trolls Is Not on Disney Plus [Source: NBCUniversal/DreamWorks]](https://www.disfordisney.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/x1080-1024x576.jpeg)
This works in very much the same way that Disney’s movies are not part of the Universal Studios world.
All the major studios have films, TV shows, worlds, and characters that are a central part of their own creative universes.
If Disney did get the Trolls universe, then of course those movies would likely come out on Disney Plus for us to watch whenever we want to!
Unfortunately, that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon (if ever).
Universal and Warner Brothers and the others don’t want to sell their properties. If they do sell them off, then they obviously won’t be able to show it on their own channels, make more films, TV shows, merch, or theme park attractions (or anything, really) with those creative properties.
This is also why Disney will likely not ever have movies like Harry Potter or any of the sequels, or The Minions movies and sequels, and a lot more, too.
Wrap Up
At the end of the day, Disney Plus has SO MANY awesome movies and shows.
That being said, though, Disney+ simply won’t be able to stream movies and shows that aren’t in their catalogue, because of the ownership and rights with that IP.
For Trolls fans, that means the answer to “Is Trolls on Disney+?” is sadly: No.
But who knows?! Disney has acquired tons of movies and shows before. So it could happen! Fingers crossed! 😀
For the time being, however, if you want to see Trolls or the sequels, you’ll have to find them in other places. You can also watch ALL the Trolls trailers right at the bottom of this blog post!
To see where you can watch Trolls right now, check out the Just Watch website here: Where to Watch, Stream, or Buy Trolls Online Right Now.
Have a magical day!
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Neal Tucker is one of the world’s most engaging Disney influencers, with thousands of views and responses across his blog, podcast, and social media profiles every month.
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